The reformist, K.Veeramani leads the studious crew of Dravidar Kazhagam, a party that has dedicated itself to social reformation carved by the ideals of
Thanthai Periyar. The reformist is inclined towards personal transformation, which will slowly but steadily culminate in reforming the society. Dr.Veeramani following his mentor, sought to replace the exclusive political power of the aristocracy with a more democratic system empowering the rural and socially deprived classes.
The reformist’s efforts to abolish the despicable practice of untouchablity and the setting up of a caste-free society have come a far way despite the passage of
time and attendant changes in the social fabric. Unfettered by the political changeovers amidst any conditional necessities and that which has now become a rare identity amongst leaders of such mass, the supreme reformist, Thiru K.Veeramani is, without any doubt- a true blood Social Reformer.